Migrating from Shopify Geolocation to Orbe

Welcome to our guide on transitioning from Shopify's Geolocation app to Orbe.

This article will walk you through each process step, ensuring a smooth and straightforward migration.

1. Installing Orbe in your store

Start by visiting the Shopify App Store and searching for Geolocation Orbe. Click "Install app" to begin the installation process. Follow the prompts to integrate Orbe with your Shopify store successfully.

Once installed, you can choose a plan that best suits your business needs. Orbe offers various options tailored to different store sizes and requirements.

Once you have installed Orbe, you will find a two-step onboarding process. Its purpose is to briefly explain how Orbe works and assist you in configuring your store's geolocation. To do this, click on 'Customize popup,' and you will be taken to the Shopify Theme Editor.

For more detailed instructions on setting up the App Embed correctly, we recommend referring to the "Enable the Geolocation Popup" tutorial.

2. Customize the Orbe App Embed and enable it

Orbe allows you to customize the geolocation popup to match your store's theme and your specific needs.

Once you've tailored the Orbe popup to your liking, it's time to enable it:

  1. You can disable the "Test mode" as it's only for customizing it while you're in the Shopify Theme Editor

  2. Leave the Geolocation Popup app embed of Orbe enabled and Click "Save".

3. You can disable or uninstall the Shopify's Geolocation App

Once Orbe is enabled, you can disable and uninstall the Geolocation app recommendations from your store.

This action will remove the app from your store, and Orbe will take over the geolocation functionalities.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your store provides a localized shopping experience for your customers without any interruption.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our support team at support@orbe.app.

Last updated